How to Make a Website on WordPress

HomeBlog & WebsiteHow to Make a Website on WordPress

Hello friends, today in this post I am telling you about how to make a Website on WordPress, so definitely read the post till the end.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

This is a great idea to start blogging and today in this post we will know what is a blog and where to make it, so let’s first know what is a blog.

What is Blog –

Blog is a regularly updated website where new content is published, blog is used to attract readers and to promote business.

With blogging, we share our ideas online and at the same time we can make money from it. To start blogging, you will need a blog or website in which you can publish content (posts). And today, this post is about learning how to make a website on wordpress.

The most important for creating a blog and website is that we first select a platform, the place where we blogging is also called a blogging platform. It is important that we first choose a blogging platform so that we can start our blogging by creating a blog and website.

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There are two best platforms available for creating blogs and websites WordPress and Blogger, both WordPress and Blogger are excellent platforms for blogging. We can select any one platform and start blogging by creating your own blog and website.

WordPress – 

In WordPress we can create a self-hosted blog and website, to create a website in WordPress we have to first purchase hosting and domain and after that we can start Blogging by installing WordPress in our hosting.

WordPress is a very good blogging platform and many big bloggers also suggest to use only WordPress for blogging, but it is not free, it will take money from the beginning to build a blog and website in WordPress.

Blogger –

Blogger is a free blogging platform provided by Google, in Blogger we can create free blogs and websites with subdomain without buying anything, And later on we can also add a custom domain.

If you can buy hosting and domain, then I would tell you to start blogging from WordPress, and if you want to start a blog completely free, then you can create your free blog in Blogger.

How to Make a Website on WordPress –

To create a self-hosted website in WordPress, follow all the steps mentioned properly, after that you will also be able to Make a Website on WordPress.

To create a self-hosted website in WordPress, we first need two things: Hosting and Domain. If you have both these things, then you will be able to easily create a website.

1. Domain –

To create a website in WordPress, first of all register a domain from any domain provider.

2. Hosting –

After registering the domain, you will now have to purchase hosting from a hosting provider company or website.

3. Add domain to hosting –

If you have buy hosting and domain from the same website then it is good for you, but if you have buy hosting and domain from different website. so first of all you have to connect hosting and domain, for that you point the nameservers of hosting to the domain.

How to create a WordPress Website –

After connecting the hosting and domain, now follow all the steps mentioned below to install WordPress in the hosting properly, after that you will also be able to install WordPress.

1. First of all you open your hosting Cpanel.

2. Once the login page of Cpanel is open, you enter Username and Password here and click on Login.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

3. After clicking on login, now your cpanel is open on your screen.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

4. Now you have to scroll here and find the Softaculous Apps installer feature.

5. Now after getting the Softaculous Apps installer feature, click on it.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

6. Now you will see many scripts here, which you can install. 

7. We have to install WordPress here, then move the cursor over the WordPress icon and click on Install.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

8. After clicking Install, the WordPress Installation page will open.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

9. Now we have to first work in the Software Setup section.

Here, in the box next to Choose the version you want to install, use the latest version of WordPress, which is currently 5.2.2.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

Then select https: // in the box above Choose Protocol.

Now in the box above Choose Domain, select the domain in which you want to install WordPress, now I have selected here.

Now delete the wp written in the box above the In Directory and leave the In Directory box empty.

10. Now we have to work in the Site Settings section.

Here, you type the name or title of the website in the box next to Site Name.

After that type the website description or Tag Line in the box next to Site Description.

11. Now we have to work in the Admin Account section.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

Now you set the Username of your website in the box next to Admin Username.

After setting the username, set the password in the box next to Admin Password.

Now type Gmail or Email ID in the box next to Admin Email.

12. Now we have to Scroll and go to the Select Theme section, here you have to set any Theme (if there is no Select Theme section in your Cpanel, then don’t worry and leave this feature as it is).

13. Now you have to go to the last and in the box next to Email installation details to type the same email address here which was typed above.

14. Now let all the other options remain as they are, or if you want to set according to yourself.

15. After putting all the details mentioned above in the WordPress Installation page, now you click on Install.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

16. Now WordPress install will start on your computer screen.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

17. Now you wait for the WordPress installation process to complete.

18. Once the WordPress installation completes, you will see this message on the screen Congratulations, the software was installed successfully.

19. Now you will see 2 URLs here, one of which will be the URL of your website and the other URL will be of WordPress Dashboard from where you will be able to manage your website.

How to Make a Website on WordPress

Web URL                            –

Dashboard (Admin URL) –

20. Now you have successfully installed WordPress.

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In this way we can install WordPress in Hosting’s Cpanel and make a website on wordpress. I hope you like this post and you must have got to learn something new, friends. If you like this post, then share it with your friends.

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How to Make a Website on WordPress, how to create blog and website, how to create website, how to make website, in this post create beutiful website.

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